

A labor of love (literally). Everlly is a product that I have spent the last few years working on as a solo endeavour. From scheduling to messaging to cleaning reminders, Everlly can do it all. The idea behind Everlly is that before, during and after a wedding ring sale, the client and business should stay connected. Many shops offer a lifetime warranty on their rings on condition that the client returns yearly to have their ring inspected and cleaned. Everlly is the tool that allows clients to keep track of when they should get their ring cleaned and it allows businesses to have further contact with their client after their initial sale.

Everlly has come very far, but still has some ways to go before an MVP is ready for businesses to start beta testing. It will take a few more late nights and weekends to finish, but I'm excited to see it come to life and to share the progress so far. Read more below about the features I built in Everlly.

Admin Settings

Everlly is a SaaS product, so the platform needed to be able to be customized for each business that uses it. Admins are able to customize the types of items and appointment they want to offer to their users. In addition, they can customize the message templates that are sent to users when certain events occur. For example, when a ring cleaning is due or when a user has an appointment coming up. They can also create customized schedules which are used to define business hours or when a user can book an appointment.

User Management

Admins and team members can manage users in Everlly. Users can be regular users, team members or admins. Users can be created by team members and an email is sent to the user for them to create a password and activate their account.

Account Activation

After a team member creates a user, an email is sent to the user with a link to activate their account. The user can then create a password and login to the app.

User Authentication

Users are also able to sign up directly on the website. They can create an account and then login to the app. Users can also reset their password if they forget it.


Messaging is an important feature in Everlly. Users are able to send messages to team members to ask questions, share files for ring designs, etc. Team members can be assigned to message threads.

Messaging is instant through the use of websockets and Action Cable in Ruby on Rails.

Item Creation

Team members are able to create items for users. Items are created based on attributes that are defined by the admin. For example, a ring can have a metal type, a stone type, a size, etc.

After an item is created, team members can record a history event for the item and trigger messages to be sent to the user.

Ring Management

A major feature of Everlly is the ability to manage rings. Users can see products that they own on their dashboard. They can upload a picture for the ring, view information about their item and see history about the item. For example, when the last cleaning happened. Users can also add co-owners and transfer ownership of items. This is useful for when a user buys a ring for their partner and wants to transfer ownership to them.


Appointments are another key feature of Everlly. On a team members home page, they are able to see a custom calender that shows appointments. They are able to filter and search the appointments as well as see types and statuses.

Team members are able to create appointments for users and manage their status. Regular users are also able to request appointments. When team members accept an appointment, a message is sent to the user.

Appointment time slots are based on admin settings. Admins are able to set limits on how many appointments can be booked during a certain period depending on quantity and type.

Color Themes

Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to color schemes. Everlly allows users to switch from a light theme to a dark theme. In the future, admins will be able to define custom color themes.

More Features Coming Soon!

Everlly is still in development. There are many more features that I am excited to work on in the future. Stay tuned! If you have any questions, I can be reached at derekdapp@gmail.com.